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Glen Keith

Distillery Logo

Image Credit: Scottish Delight



Chivas Brothers (Team)

Chivas Brothers Ltd. (Pernod Ricard)


Barrel Head


Barrel Head

head whisky maker(s)

Barrel Head


Barrel Head

Year Founded

Barrel Head


Glen Keith, situated in Keith, Scotland, was established in response to rising sales of Chivas Regal and the need for a steady supply of whisky for blends like Passport and 100 Pipers in the 1950s. Founded by Sam Bronfman, Glen Keith became the experimental distillery for Seagram's and later Chivas Brothers, housing their lab for innovative trials.

From the beginning, Glen Keith used triple distillation for its malt, occasionally alternating with double distillation until the 1980s. Glen Keith's slender stills and long, upward-angled lyne arms indicate a light character, but its history of experimentation has resulted in a diverse range of whisky styles.The distillery conducted experiments with wheat mash, was an early adopter of gas-fired direct heating (now using steam), and even produced heavily peated variations, known as Glenisla, using unique methods, such as passing peat smoke through water for concentration. Today, Glen Keith is known for its light and fruity profile.

After a period of mothballing in 1999, Glen Keith reopened in 2013 under new ownership by Pernod Ricard, featuring significant renovations, including a new mash tun and washbacks. While it was never a prominent single malt, occasional independent bottlings of Glen Keith, along with Glenisla, can be found.

-Written (Mostly) by Robots-

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